I have honestly been avoiding this day since I got here. It's been around 2 and a half months since my hair has seen a hair salon. I've been going to
Mark's Salon in Westdale (Hamilton) for the past 3 years! I miss my
Zohan-look alike-balding-palestenian middle aged hair saviour. Mark - this one's for u.
How to find a hair dresser/ "The One":
- Every other building has atleast two "Ladies Hair Saloon" with fully tinted bay windows
- What is "Saloon"? it's Salon misspelt - everytime.
- Why only Ladies? Because it's taboo for men and women to cut their hair at the same place (I think this is consistent with Canada for the most part)
- Why fully tinted? Because it's taboo for men to peer inside (I can appreciate that)
- There are five "saloons" within a 2 minute radius from my home - So I shopped
My criteria included hygiene, modern equipment, quality hair products and a hair dresser with some sort of skill or atleast good hair.
I have thick wavy hair that can't be tamed easily - so some good irons will be necessary.
Salon #1
- A well dressed hair dresser in all black sporting bangs and shoulder length light hair with highlights - approved
- A good selection of hair colours and great customer service - approved
- 800 Dhs =
220.680627 Canadian dollars . wtf?
- I used to pay $75 for a root touch up and maybe $125 for full colour. max!
-SO i told the lady
to go jump in a mine that I'd make an appointment when I get home and clear my schedule.
Salon #2- Platinum blonde philipina with a pixie hair-do greets me at the door (Cool I guess, but was that an accident? i'm nervous) "
hi maam, how u like?"
-"umm hi, can I see your hair colours and prices?"
- She had a selection of literally 10 hair colours and said it would cost me 400 dhs plus 150 for a colour wash. That's
110 dollars plus 40 bucks.
- "150 for the colour, what's the 400 for?"
"Hair dressing maam"
- I pretty much grunted and walked out with the same line as Salon#1
Salon #3- FIVE philipinas greet me at the door and immediately seat me in front of a mirror - This is too overwhelming. "
Hi maam, sit ma'am, what u have ma'am?"
-"Just a moment to breathe"
-Then this lady from inside a random little room peers out and says
" you lookalike u hab thee dry hair ma-damn and also berry long... this will take atleast eight to ten bottles ma-damn"
- Thanks for dissing my hair before even saying hello. "How much?"
800 dirhams madam"
"DIE" "Thank you"
Salon #friggin4
- ONE lady greets me at the desk, nice hair, smiley .. finally! could this be the one!?
- The customer in the chair getting her hair done had great hair
- Good selection of colours and I didn't need an appointment.
- I almost settle before even asking her the price. (which turned out to be 500dhs flat)
- So she pretty much mixed the colour, got someone to apply it and someone else to wash and blow dry.
- 40 minutes later
"Madam would you like ur hair blow dried straight or curled in?"
- " Just straight with some volume would be great thanks"
"no problem ma'am"
- She blow dried my hair painfully
ANDDD 30 minutes later.. I look like I'm going to prom.

Why was the salon called "Lemoni"?? .. I don't know.
Great service but i'm not entirely sure if this "The One" yet